Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Resume Don’ts

Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Resume Don’ts


I recently decided to ask some friends and family what types of resume and cover letter mistakes they see when receiving applications.  Here are a few that I found interesting and a little odd:

  • Resume printed on pink paper with a heart pattern:  If printing a resume to be submitted in person, keep it neutral!  No colorful paper, and absolutely no patterns.  Needless to say, this resume was tossed.
  • Mentioning that you reviewed the employer’s website in your cover letter, when the company has no website:  This shows that you simply submit the same cover letter each and every time, and no employers wants to hire someone without any attention to detail.
  • Stating the reason you left your previous jobs on your resume:  This information is not necessary, and can often be seen as negative.  Not a good idea.
  • Including short-term, unrelated work experience on your resume:  If you worked in a temporary role because of an unexpected job loss, you don’t need to include this on your resume.

Don’t let your resume end up in the recycling bin, avoid the items mentioned above.