Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Be Truthful

Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Be Truthful


One of the most important things to remember when compiling your resume is to be truthful with facts and figures.  Even exaggerating your achievements could come back to haunt you, should your references be contacted or should a hiring manager know someone you’ve worked with.  Worse, you could be asked to perform a task that you stated on your resume you have experience with, and failure may indicate you lied.

Sometimes it’s tempting to bend the truth to cover an employment gap.  The best approach here is to be honest, and address any issues with a positive spin in your cover letter.  Don’t lie about language fluency, past experience, education, or volunteer work.

There are numerous examples of famous business professionals caught lying on their resume, mainly about their education.  This is never a good idea, this information is available and can be checked by hiring managers.  Some of these people were fired, or at least discredited.  Your job may not result in a newspaper headline, but it will affect your reputation.

In the end, lying on your resume could result in lost opportunities and could even hurt your career advancement.  Don’t do it!