Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Tips to Lengthen Your Resume

Professional Resume Writer in Calgary – Tips to Lengthen Your Resume


Your resume should fill one or two pages, so what can you do if you’re at that awkward length in between?  Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Include educational or work projects under a separate heading.  This is an excellent way to expand your resume while adding valuable content and key words.
  • Add testimonials or quotes.  If you don’t have any recent testimonials from performance reviews, try adding an inspirational quotation to your resume.  This can be something related to your line of work, or just something that you feel captures how you feel.
  • Include a “Core Competencies” section.  Think about the things you have the most knowledge about and what you are best at.  A Core Competencies or Key Strengths section will add a few lines to your resume and provides a great summary of your skills and knowledge.
  • Adjust the font size.  An acceptable font size for the bulk of the text in your resume is size 10 – 12.
  • Add borders or horizontal lines.  This can add spaces without just adding more white space.

A resume that does not fill an entire page can look sloppy, so do your best to add content or adjust formatting to have a complete document.